
Now Everyone Wants to be Progressive: Even Conservatives and NeoCons

Now that the United States and the rest of the world are in near economic collapse and free market principles have proven to be a disaster. It is suddenly cool to be progressive. As a matter of fact, not only are the Democrats kissing up to progressives. But the Republicans are trying to grab the word and make it their own. The Republicans are now trying to rebuild a failed party and make it "cool and progressive". The conservative Tory Party in the UK also believes that the future is in taking the progressive word and making it their own. According to conservative leader David Cameron the Tory Party must retain a "progressive" outlook.

But just like War is Peace, Torture is Extraordinary Rendition, and Freedom is Fascism. Progressive will come to mean the same old economics and war machine if progressives let it. No, instead progressives need to make sure that the politicos, the media talking heads, and the corporate and financial oligarchs understand that progressive is just what it has traditionally meant. A change toward the betterment of humanity through social and political policies that promote reform and the welfare of the people.

So enjoy being a "hip" progressive but make sure that the word doesn't come to mean simply a lighter version of our present Military Industrial Complex. Now is the time for Progressives to seize the future!


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